Architect/ Designer: City of York Council
Client/Developer: City of York Council
Builder: City of York Council
Presented by: Kurt Calder, Group Corporate Relations Manager, Shepherd Group
The wholesale reworking of the roadways, pavements and street furniture in Kings Square has the remarkable virtue of being more or less invisible to those who didn’t know the Square in the past. The integration of roadways, kerbs and pavements in a single unbroken surface has made it possible for pedestrian to enjoy the entire space without the risk of being jostled off the pavement. And though the space is still open to traffic, vehicles now move with appropriate care and caution. That all this has been achieved is a triumph of diplomatic negotiation over the complexities of safety regulations, vested interest and the heavy hand of tradition. York Council and those involved with the week-by-week implementation of this project detail deserve hearty congratulation for making a much loved part of old York infinitely more pleasant and welcoming.