Entries for the 2025 York Design Awards will open in early 2025.

The Awards are free to enter due to the support of our kind sponsors.  The awards celebrate a wide range of properties including single and multiple dwelling residential developments, community and commercial buildings, and open space/public realm/landscape.

To learn more about how to enter or to submit your application, please click here

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The Granary, Lingcroft Farm, Fulford

Client/Developer: Native Architects
Architect/Designer: Native Architects
Builder: Native Architects

A conservation-led, self-build conversion of 19th century farm buildings to the office of an environmentally-sensitive local architectural practice. The main building is a typical two-storey granary with external stone steps giving access to the upper floor. Floors are left open plan and a small single storey outbuilding has been refurbished as a kitchen and service block with a new two-storey link. Yorkshire grown, construction-grade hemp was cast against the solid brick walls for thermal insulation. Extensive use has been made of recycled plywood sheets which could have otherwise gone to waste.

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