We have some important dates for your 2025 diary. Save the date!

York Design Awards are delighted to announce that the launch event for the 2025 Awards will take place on Monday 17th February 2025 at St Peter’s School, Clifton, York starting at 6.00pm.


Keynote speaker will be Professor Lorraine Farrelly, Head of the new School of Architecture at the University of York.

Further details and invitations will follow in the New Year but in the meantime please make a note of the date in your diaries.

Entries for the 2025 York Design Awards will open in early 2025.

The Awards are free to enter due to the support of our kind sponsors.  The awards celebrate a wide range of properties including single and multiple dwelling residential developments, community and commercial buildings, and open space/public realm/landscape.


To learn more about how to enter or to submit your application, please click here

If you would like to keep up to date about the York Design Awards, visit our news page

Application Form

We encourage you to submit your YDA application online and guidance is provided below. Or download the PDF form below

Judging Criteria

The following criteria is used when assessing schemes:

  • Quality of Design
  • Context
  • Materials & Workmanship
  • Sustainability
  • Ability to Delight

As part of the application submission, a statement is required of no more than 500 words in both Word and PDF format describing how this scheme achieves the required standard against each criteria.

A 100 word summary is also required, which will feature on the display boards at the awards evening.

Closing date for applications 2024

18th April, 2024

Site visits

Judging will take place on the 13th & 14th of May 2024.

Please make a note of these dates. Your development needs to be completed before the site visits by the judges.

Awards Evening 2024

Awards evening will be held on Monday 1st July 2024 at the Creative Centre, York St John University.

Every entry will receive invitations for those involved in the scheme (architect, developer, owner etc.) so please make a note of the date and list their details on the application form.

Application enquiries

Guy Hanson, guy.hanson@york.gov.uk

Postal entries

If you are unable to apply on line you can print off an application form here, fill this in, and return your submission by post using the address on the downloaded form.

    Applicant contact details

    Scheme name and address

    Scheme contact details for site visits

    Project client


    Architect or designer

    Other design team consultants

    Now Please Upload Your Documents

    Please note that only one attachment is possible per browse button, so in order to attach several documents in one go then either put them in a single zip file or create a single multipage PDF. Then browse to the location to upload

    Your upload should contain:

    - One set of drawings such as plans and elevations in PDF format (no more than 10 drawings)

    (max. 5MB)

    - Up to 3 quality high resolution images (1-5 MB) to illustrate the scheme in JPEG format

    (max. 5MB)
    (max. 5MB)
    (max. 5MB)

    - A statement of no more than one side of A4 in pt 12 in Word or PDF format describing how this scheme achieves the required standard against each criteria. Please also include a 100 words summary of the scheme for use in display and marketing materials

    (max. 5MB)

    Contact details for those involved in the scheme you wish to receive invitations to the Award Evening at York St John Creative Centre on 1st July



    Anyone can put forward a scheme for an Award, but they must have the owner & occupier’s permission. Please confirm that this has been obtained by ticking this box

    Please confirm that you have necessary planning permissions and building regulations approvals by ticking this box

    Please note: Information (excluding personal names/details etc..) contained in this application will be used in publicity material for the Awards and may be on public display before or after the event. Please do not submit standard scheme brochures or press releases that would require editing to comply with the above criteria.

    Please let us know if you would NOT like to be considered for the York Press Peoples’ Choice Award by ticking this box

    If you're having trouble submitting please check:

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